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To dream That You are Driving a Car Means the Following

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To Dream of a Car Accident Symbolizes The Following

To dream that you are in an accident signifies pent-up guilt in which you are subconsciously punishing yourself over.   Perhaps you are not proud of something you have done. Alternatively, the accident may symbolize an error or mistake you have made. Accident dreams also represent your fears of being in an actual, physical accident.  You may simply be nervous about getting behind the wheel. Or the dream is trying to warn you of some accident.   To dream of a car accident symbolizes your emotional state. You may be harboring deep anxieties and fears. Are you "driving" yourself too hard? Perhaps you need to slow down before you hit disaster. You need to rethink or re-plan your course of actions and set yourself on a better path.  To dream that a loved one dies in an accident indicates that something within your own Self is no longer functional and is "dead". It is also symbolic of your own relationship with that person. Perhaps you need to let go of th...

Naked Dream - Complete Dream Meaning

Dreaming that you are completely or partially naked may be alarming, but is very common.  Nudity symbolizes a variety of things depending on your real life situation. 1. Nudity indicates vulnerability When you are without your clothes, you are also most vulnerable. There is absolutely nothing that you can hide behind. Thus the dream may parallel a waking situation where you feel helpless or where you have completely let your guard down.    2. Nudity indicates insecurity Your naked dream may also point to insecurity issues. You feel that all eyes are always on you - laughing at you, judging you or criticizing you. Being naked magnifies the notion that everyone is pointing at you and laughing. Most of the time, it's all on your head. 3. Nudity indicates attention In some cases , dreaming of being in the nude implies that you are looking for attention. You want to get noticed, but are going about it the wrong way. You are drawing the wrong attention t...

What does a dream about Cheating mean?

Dreams of a cheating partner are among the most common dreams reported. These dreams are often so emotionally disturbing that it’s not unusual to accuse your partner of cheating when you wake up. Dreaming that your partner is cheating on you May be a result of your own insecurities and fear of not being attractive or good enough. You may be feeling neglected by your partner which is feeding your insecurities and afraid that they will be leaving or abandoning you. May be a result of a lack of trust in the relationship. The dream offers you the chance to examine your issues with trust and the trustworthiness of your partner. It may be that your unconscious is picking up cues that your partner is actually cheating, or is unhappy in the relationship. The dream is offering you a warning and an opportunity to open the lines of communication before things go too far. Dreaming that you are c...

What It Means to See Numbers in Your Dream ?

What It Means to See Numbers in Your Dream? Numbers play an important role in our dreams, and each number has its own spiritual power, vibration, and significance.          Essentially, numbers are symbols. Numbers can represent stages of spiritual growth and the archetypal energies of the collective unconscious. Dreaming of numbers indicates our deeper mind is conveying a message that we may need to reign in our imaginations and begin to forge concrete/organized results. Numbers are symbolic of formulas, equations, strategies and linear thought. It's true our dreams and imaginings are integral to the manifestation process. So, when I say dreaming of numbers means we must reign in our imaginations - I mean it is time to act and formulate a solid plan that incorporates our dreams and strategies.  What Numbers Can Signify Numbers can refer to our age, indicate a house number or address, or ...

What do Water Dreams Mean?

What do water dreams mean?   Water is one of the most common dream symbols and is usually associated with the emotions and the unconscious.  Swimming, paddling or rowing down the river may suggest you are going with the flow and experiencing no difficulties; going up the river suggests you are going against the natural flow or experiencing difficulties; or you are going against your intuition. You may be making things harder for yourself than they have to be. Taking a shower or bath may suggest you are cleansing yourself, releasing your negative thoughts and emotions -- washing your troubles away. To be underwater may suggest you are feeling overwhelmed or you are in over your head emotionally or financially. Alternately, you may be exploring your unconscious, seeking inner guidance or uncovering repressed emotions or memories.  Water Colors:   Clear Water – This is a posi...

What is meant to dream about YAM?

What is the dream meaning, interpretation and symbol about yams? Let’s see the dream explanation as following:- 1. Dreaming of yams is a good omen indicating good luck. 2. For a young person to dream of yams, indicates that the dreamer has a strong body. 3. For an elderly to dream of yams, signifies longevity and good health. 4. For a patient to dream of yams, foretells improvements of health conditions. 5. To see or eat yams in your dream signify sensuality and virility.  6. To see yams in your dream, signifies memories of family gatherings and celebration.   7. Nourishment for body, mind & soul; nourishment for youthfulness. Can also represent the holidays or special meals.  The following maybe the reason for your dream. Based on your life it may vary. Feel free to share the post to spread the awareness.